
Showing posts from June, 2023

How Does a Water Softener Work?

  Over 89% of homes in the United States have hard water, so it’s likely that your home already has a water softener or could benefit from one. If you have questions about water softeners, we have answers. What does a water softener do? A water softener removes the excess amounts of calcium and magnesium in your home’s water. These minerals in hard water can cause buildup on your water-using appliances, fixtures and even your dishes and laundry. By softening your water, you’ll extend the life of your appliances, remove soap scum and scale buildup, have stain-free fixtures, spot-free dishes and softer clothing. What is the process of softening hard water? A water softener consists of two tanks; the first tank is the resin tank, which holds resin beads covered in sodium particles. A water softener works by moving hard water over the resin. The calcium and magnesium replace the sodium particles by clinging to the resin beads, so the leftover soft water is able to continue on to your h...